Common Misconceptions About Drug Offences In Edmonton

April 8, 2024


Navigating the legal path surrounding drug offences can be complex, especially in a city like Edmonton. Many individuals face legal issues needing a clearer understanding of their rights and the legal process. In such situations, seeking guidance from a knowledgeable drug offence lawyer in Edmonton can make a significant difference.

This blog post aims to debunk common myths surrounding drug offences in Edmonton, shedding light on the realities individuals may face and emphasizing the importance of seeking legal assistance when needed.

All Drug Offences Lead To Jail Time

Many people assume that if they are charged with a drug offence, they will automatically go to jail. This is not true. Many factors affect the outcome of a drug case, such as the type and quantity of the drug, the nature and circumstances of the offence, the criminal history of the accused, and the availability of alternative measures or programs.

Depending on these factors, a drug offence lawyer may be able to negotiate a plea bargain, obtain a conditional discharge, or argue for a non-custodial sentence. However, this does not mean that drug offences are taken lightly by the courts.

Some drug offences, such as trafficking, importing, or producing, carry mandatory minimum sentences of imprisonment. Therefore, it is important to consult a drug offence lawyer as soon as possible if you are facing any drug charges.

Possession Of Small Amounts Isn’t A Serious Offence

Another common misconception is that possession of small amounts of drugs is not a serious offence. This is also false. Possession of any amount of a controlled substance, such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, or fentanyl, is a criminal offence under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

The penalties for possession vary depending on the type and quantity of the drug, but they can range from a fine to a maximum of seven years in prison.

Furthermore, possession of small amounts of drugs can have serious consequences beyond the criminal justice system. Therefore, it is essential to seek the advice of a drug offence lawyer if you are charged with possession of any drugs.

First-Time Offenders Receive Lenient Sentences Automatically

Some people believe that if they are first-time offenders, they will receive lenient sentences automatically. This also needs to be corrected. While the courts may consider the lack of a prior record as a mitigating factor, it does not guarantee a favourable outcome.

The courts will also consider the aggravating factors, such as the seriousness of the offence, the harm caused to the victims or the society, the level of involvement and responsibility of the offender, and the offender’s personal circumstances.

Moreover, the courts may not accept the claim of being a first-time offender if the offender has a history of involvement with drugs or other criminal activities. The courts may impose harsher sentences if the offender lacks remorse, insight, or willingness to change.

Also Read: The Difference Between Drug Possession And Drug Trafficking

Drug Charges Only Affect The Individual Caught

Another myth that needs to be debunked is that drug charges only affect the individual caught. This is far from the truth. Drug charges can have a ripple effect on the family, friends, and community of the accused. For example, drug charges can result in the loss of income, housing, or custody of children.

Drug charges can also cause emotional distress, stigma, and isolation for the accused and their loved ones. Therefore, it is important to recognize that drug charges are not only a personal problem but a social problem.

It is also important to seek help from a drug offence lawyer who can help you navigate the legal system, protect your rights, and explore your options. A drug offence lawyer can also connect you with the appropriate resources and support services to assist you and your family.

Believing Legalization Equals Legal Immunity

The last common error that we will address is believing that legalization equals legal immunity. This is a dangerous mistake. While the legalization of cannabis in Canada has changed the legal landscape, it has not eliminated the criminal consequences of drug offences.

There are still many rules and regulations that govern the production, distribution, possession, and consumption of cannabis. For instance, it is illegal to possess more than 30 grams of dried cannabis in public, to grow more than four plants per household, or to sell or give cannabis to anyone under 18 years of age.

About Daryl Royer

Daryl Royer is an esteemed criminal defence lawyer based in Edmonton, Alberta. With a law degree from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in 2001, Daryl boasts over two decades of committed legal practice. His expertise spans diverse cases, including murder, sexual assault, impaired driving, fraud, and theft. Daryl specializes in firearms and weapon cases, offering trustworthy legal representation.

Count on Daryl Royer for expert counsel in Edmonton. Reach out today for reliable guidance and support.

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