Notable Cases

July 12, 2023

R. S. July 12, 2023 A167464720 Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS) Appeal Mr. S. was administratively suspended after a police officer found S. standing outside his damaged car at the scene of a single motor vehicle accident. The officer described his eyes as half shut, and other indicia of impairment included being unsteady on his feet… Continue reading Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS) Appeal

April 28, 2023

R v K, 2020 ABCA 425 Mr. Royer was retained for the conviction appeal of the accused’s aggravated assault conviction. The ground of appeal was that the conviction was unreasonable. The appeal was of the Appellant’s alleged assault upon a fellow inmate. The case was largely circumstantial. Nature of Application? Unreasonable Verdict Appeal. Did the… Continue reading Court Appeal & Aggravated Assault

April 14, 2023

A vehicle pull-over was conducted, and a search was conducted. Police located a loaded handgun, and the accused was charged with unlawful possession of a loaded firearm. The accused hired Daryl Royer, and he conducted the trial, including cross-examination of the police witnesses. Mr. Royer argued the vehicle pull-over and search were arbitrary and unlawful.… Continue reading Vehicle Pullovers and Searches Charter Issue Section 9 and 8

April 5, 2023

R v Oakes, 2016 ABCA 90 (CanLII) Mr. Royer conducted the trial in the case of R. v. Oakes, a murder trial in Medicine Hat. The sole Crown witness was cross-examined, and Mr. Royer showed that there were over 50 inconsistencies in the eye witness’s testimony. Despite the numerous contradictions the jury convicted. The appellant,… Continue reading Murder & Criminal Appeal

March 14, 2023

R v F, 2013 ABQB 261 Mr. Royer brought a bail review application asking for Mr. F’s denial of bail to be overturned on the grounds that the bail judge inappropriately weighed his criminal record. The alleged error was that the bail judge erred in determining that the applicant’s criminal record was so bad that… Continue reading Court Appeal

March 14, 2023

R v C, 2004 ABQB 397 The Accused was operating a motor vehicle that had “a large quantity of methamphetamines, cocaine, and other drug paraphernalia.” The Accused was charged with possession for the purposes of trafficking. Mr. Royer argued that she has been subjected to an unreasonable search and seizure contrary to s. 8 of… Continue reading Drug possession and Constitutional argument.

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